I will introduce my personal take in this article but most of the contents will just be pointers because the official doc is good enough.
When writing a frontend project that connects to GraphQL, since GraphQL comes with type definitions it is pretty easy to adopt the types in Typescript to enforce a fully type safe dev environment by using GraphQL Code Generator.
Here is the official guide for React/Vue Apollo: https://the-guild.dev/graphql/codegen/docs/guides/react-vue
Please use official doc to install packages etc. first
My setup
import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
const config: CodegenConfig = {
overwrite: true,
schema: 'https://example.com/graphql',
documents: './gql/**/*.{ts,tsx,gql}',
generates: {
'./generated/gql/': {
preset: 'client',
'./graphql.schema.json': {
plugins: ['introspection'],
export default config;
This automatically comes with a client preset.
It is also recommended to install the typescript plugin from the official guide.